Frequently Asked Questions​

Most frequent questions and answers

Acupuncture is more than just needles, it is a form of alternative medicine and a key pillar of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a holistic medical system originating over 3,000 years ago. Acupuncture refers to the insertion and manipulation of one or more thin needles into specifically selected points on the body and face. Modern research has demonstrated acupuncture’s effects on the nervous system, endocrine system, immune systems, cardiovascular system, and digestive system. By stimulating points along  the body’s various systems, acupuncture can help to resolve pain, reduce stress, improve sleep and digestive function, and promote the body’s natural ability to return to homeostasis.

Acupuncture has been proven effective for a variety of conditions:

  • Treat present illnesses and injuries
  • Prevent illness and the recurrence of illness
  • Maintain and improve overall health

According to the National Institute of Health and the World Health Organization’s official report, Acupuncture: Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials, Acupuncture has been proven to effectively treat the following conditions:

  • Cardiovascular Disorders (Essential Hypertension)
  • Neurological Disorders (Headaches and Migraines, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Facial Palsy, Paresthesis following Stroke, Peripheral Neuropathies, Meniere’s Disease, Nocturnal Enuresis, Cervical Brachial Syndromes, Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction, Intercostal Neuralgia, Disc Problems)
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders (Muscle Pain, Swelling, Stiffness and Weakness, Localized Injuries [Sprains, Strains, Contractures], Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Work and Sports-Related Injuries, Low Back Pain, Osteoarthritis, Frozen Shoulder, Tennis Elbow, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Respiratory Disorders (Bronchio-Asthma, Acute Sinusitis, Acute Rhinitis, Common Cold, Acute Tonsilitis, Acute Bronchitis)
  • Eyes, Ears, Nose and Mouth (Acute Conjunctivitis, Central Retinitis, Myopia in Children, Cataract [without complications], Toothaches – Post Extraction Pain, Gingivitis, Acute and Chronic Pharyngitis)
  • Gastro-Intestinal Disorders (Spasms of Esophagus and Cardia, Irritable Bowel and Colitis, Hiccups, Gastroptosis, Acute and Chronic Gastritis, Gastric Hyper-Acidity, Chronic Duodenal Ulcer [pain relief], Acute Duodenal Ulcer [without complication], Acute and Chronic Colitis, Constipation, Diarrhea, Acute Bacillary Dysentery, Paralytic Ileus, Chron’s Disease
  • Gynecological Disorders (Infertility [not WHO recognized – clinical experience proves effective], PMS, Dysmenorrhea, Menopause Syndrome, Benign Irregular Menstruation, Benign Amenorrhea)
  • Psychological Disorders (Depression, Anxiety, OCD, PTSD, Somatization Disorder, Hypersomnia, Insomnia)

Other Disorders (Withdrawal – from street and pharmaceutical drugs, Appetite Suppression)

Facial acupuncture is more than just needles in the face as many people have been posting through social media. It is a whole-body treatment tailored to the patient. It has been around for centuries, classically referred to as Mei Rong, and was used as part of a complete regime to treat the Empress, Emperor’s concubines, and the Royal Court in ancient China.

The ancient Chinese proverb, “Where Qi goes, blood flows” is still applicable today. Qi means energy and the free flow of Qi increases circulation of blood throughout the body. Specifically in Facial Acupuncture, increased micro-circulation to the face improves skin tone, relaxes muscles, and enhances your natural glow.

The needles used in acupuncture create tiny non-invasive microtraumas, initiating a natural stimulation of cellular repair, and an increase of collagen + elastin production. These microtraumas break up stagnation and help with the free flow of Qi. This process continues to occur even after the needles have been removed. This builds skin elasticity by regenerating health from the inside out.
Don’t stress! Acupuncture is not scary, I promise!

First visit will last around 90 minutes. This time includes a conversation about the reasons for your visit as well as your past and present health history. Part of our intake includes tongue and pulse analysis, two key diagnostic tools used in Chinese Medicine. After this, an assessment by your practitioner is made and an individualized treatment strategy is implemented.

Facial Acupuncture appointments are similar as it is a holistic treatment and above all it is still acupuncture. This means when you come in we still do a full health history, diagnosis and body treatment, like a regular acupuncture session and then we treat the face. So it’s like receiving two treatments in one!

Below are some general rules of thumb when it comes to preparing for your acupuncture appointment. 


  • Always arrive 15 minutes early to your appointment. It will give your mind and body time to adjust to the serene environment, time to change clothes, and also helps keep the schedule in a seamless flow.
  • Hydration is key! Regardless of the time of your appointment, please make sure that you have had a good amount of water prior.
  • Wear or bring loose fitting, comfortable clothing to change into.
  • Avoid caffeine, recreational drugs, and alcohol for several hours prior to your appointment.
  • Turn off your cell phone!


  • Do not arrive hungry! Please be sure to eat an appropriate amount of food no less than one hour before. A light meal or snack may work for some but you should feel content, not over full or starving.
  • Rushing is a no-no. It is best to schedule your appointments wisely. Avoid sandwiching or squeezing in acupuncture between two events. The tendency is that you will be late or stressed out during your treatment.
  • Be mindful of planned activities or events before and after your acupuncture appointment. It is recommended to avoid strenuous and physical activities for at least 2 hours before and/or after your treatment.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out!

Fun fact: Facial acupuncture needles are as thin as a hair! Most people find acupuncture to be extremely relaxing and look forward to the euphoric feeling, sometimes referred to as ‘acupuncture high’. With that said, there are certain points that are more sensitive than others. You may experience a slight pinch upon needle insertion but that sensation quickly diminishes. Other common sensations include heaviness, tingling, and temperature change.

This depends on your skin care goals, current skin situation and age. Ten weekly sessions is the recommended amount, but each patient is evaluated individually to determine how to best achieve their personal goals.

I can check! Many insurance plans are beginning to meet the increasing demands for acupuncture. I would be happy to find out if your plan covers acupuncture.

A lot of hard work went into having the best job in the world! In order to become a New York State Licensed Acupuncturist, one must achieve a Masters of Science Degree in Acupuncture. This program includes over 2,500 hours of coursework and supervised clinical experience. Additionally, graduates must successfully pass a series of board exams administered by the National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).